Pet Talk

We love our pets! Many of us make sure that we feed them, ensure they are properly hydrated, get exercise, and help them when they are sick. It is easier somewhat with domestic pets then with exotic ones to know and find enough information on what they truly need to be healthy. I personally have both and speak from experience. In this day and age, there is a medicine for anything you may have or will get, and in many cases; it may cure. I lost a dog several years ago from a hip disease, and I think she died too young in my opinion. I did have her on different medicines from the vet and supplements I was advised to try, but I did not do the research to know what was truly best.
I have learned a few things with my study of essential oils and herbs since then. I would like to share a few things with you that may help for those with pets and want to treat them naturally and safely to live a longer happier life.
I have heard the hype and confusion on CBD (cannabidiol). Let me tell you that in the right dosage, it can help your pets with many of the things that ail them. There are over 100 CBDs in cannabidiol, and we have only scratched the surface in understanding them. I will not go into all the science of each one and what we know, but I will share with you the ones that matter for the ailments that will help you with your pets.
CBD, CBDA, CBG and CBN are the primary ones that research has been done to prove the benefits. Cannabidiol many times is not broken down and contains most of the CBDs mentioned. The processing of the hemp plant can produce or change the amount and type of cannabidiol and what CBD’s are contained with in. Generally speaking, most oils, tinctures, and edibles out there are a range of these, but I thought it helpful to share because some help more with pain while others help more with anxiety.
- CBDA (also known as CBDGA) is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It works much better than many NSAIDs out there including Ibuprofen for pets. When some CBD oils are made, the process removes the CBDA from the plant, so it is not always present in all found in the market. CBDA also is the strongest CBD available for nausea and and anxious digestive systems of pets. If you are looking for anti-inflammatory, nausea control, or help with an anxious tummy of you pet, be sure your CBD treat or oil contains CBDA.
- CBG is more focused on healing and treating pain. It has been found to fight cancer! It has treated glaucoma, and treat diseases such as inflammatory bowel and crohns. This is the component that researchers are scientists are learning more about now to fight various kinds of cancers and has been proven effective in our pets today!!
- CBN is the one CBD that may have some psychoactive attributes but still safe for consumption. It is used more specifically for the brain. It helps sedate the brain in a natural way to reduce seizures, allow the brain to rest for proper sleep, and calm overactive neurological and brain issues in your pets. This would help that pet that almost seems bipolor such as some of our bird friends and lizards!
For proper dosing, it is important to understand that it is different for every animal due to their tolerance, weight, and other diet. Many sites will say that weight is the only factor, but that is only a small part. You must know your pet! You have to watch their intake of food, water, amount of exercise, and other medicines or supplements you may have them on. These are the critical factors that make a difference. The dosing depends on the medium you are using as well. For example, if you are using a CBD oil, you should check first to be sure it has the CBD that you are looking for as mentioned above. There should be a stat sheet available for what you are purchasing, and it will say what CBD’s are in it for the most part, and including Full Spectrum does not always mean CBDA, but it usually does include the others. The next consideration is the mg within the oil or medium. Smaller pets should not start with more than 10mg in any case, where a larger animal may start with 1000mg of CBD. You can sometimes tell after the first dose if it makes them too sleepy, want to drink water excessively, or seem to want to eat much more than usual. These are the three side effects that are known to occur. You should watch your pet after the first couple of doses. I will give you one full example that I use for one of my dogs. I have a dog with tumors throughout his body, and he is in pain most of the time. He has other issues, but I treat his pain and inflammation with CBD infused treats. He is about ten pounds, and I give him a treat with 8mg of CBD in the morning and evening. If he seems to have difficulty on rough days, I will give him one in the afternoon. I do notice that he drinks more water then he did before, but in our case, it is helping keep his kidneys flushed which has helped his other issues!
I do support and sell Go Green Hemp products as they use 100 percent of CBD and includes a full spectrum of all the CBDs I look for in a product. If want help in picking the right product for your pet or have specific questions, please do not hesitate to reach out through the contact us above.
Thank you for taking the time to read our newest Naturally Random blog! God Bless you and your pet.