The Big “C”

I feel today’s blog must be started with facts on our bodies and science behind some of what I am about to share. Wikipedia defines the Endocannabinoid system as follows: The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the vertebrate central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system.
This is harder to understand even for the best of us, so I had to learn and understand what this means to me. Endogenous lipids are triacylglycerols that are formed in the liver. You might be more familiar with the term triglycerides which is a type of fat cell. Retrograde neurotransmitters are messages that signal between cells that allow the message to be sent, received, and regulated. That message is carried through the ECS in cannabinoid receptors and bind with the proteins in the receptors released in the brain and nervous system. These messages reside in your brain within the neurons and neuro pathways. The endocannabinoid system is involved in regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive processes including fertility, pregnancy, pain sensors, appetite, immune system, mood, and memory.

This article was written and fact checked by Eric Zielinski, DC (Dr. Z). There are research and statistics that support essential oils treating cancer patients. He writes that, “The truth about essential oils for cancer is four-fold:
First – essential oils for cancer research suggests that oils can help prevent and treat cancer at the cellular level. Additionally, and oftentimes overlooked, essential oils have been shown to be exceptionally effective at managing the side effects related to cancer itself and the side effects people suffer at the hands of medical interventions.
Second – it is critical to recognize that this is not an all-or-nothing approach. Just because you’re taking chemo doesn’t mean that you can’t use essential oils for cancer. The same is true on the flip side of that coin. Far too many patients and healthcare practitioners dichotomize natural from allopathic therapies, and do not give enough emphasis on the practicality of using both together.
Third – we need to put things into proper perspective and remember that the peer-reviewed articles we have that evaluate the ability of essential oils for cancer to prevent, stop and even reverse the growth of various malignant lines are in vitro. In other words, we don’t many live human trials with hundreds or thousands of participants, we have studies that are testing human cells in a petri dish. This is not to say that these studies are useless. The point we need to take from this is that essential oils for cancer is still experimental
Fourth – with this said, there are literally thousands upon thousands of testimonials of people on the Internet claiming that essential oils for cancer cured them. And this cannot be disputed because a vast majority of them are your normal, not-trying-to-make-a-buck kind of people who are not trying to sell a product. These are legitimate medical “miracles,” which are ultimately going to be the basis for further research.” He goes on to share which essential oils help in the fight against cancer according the research currently done:
Citrus oils – Specifically D- Limonene
In the
words of the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s open chemistry database, PubChem,
“D-Limonene is
an oral dietary supplement containing a natural cyclic monoterpene and major
component of the oil extracted from citrus peels with potential chemopreventive
and antitumor activities. Although the mechanism of action has yet to be fully
elucidated, limonene
and its metabolites perillic acid, dihydroperillic acid, uroterpenol and
limonene 1,2-diol may inhibit tumor growth through inhibition of
p21-dependent signaling and may induce apoptosis via the induction of the
transforming growth factor beta-signaling pathway. In addition, they inhibit
post-translational modification of signal transduction proteins, resulting in
G1 cell cycle arrest as well as differential expression of cell cycle- and
apoptosis-related genes.”
Clary Sage – Sclareol is a constituent of clary sage essential oil.
It has shown to have anti-cancer effects in laboratory evaluations conducted in studies dating back to 1999. Sclareol seemed to kill cancer cells through a process called apoptosis. Apoptosis basically triggers a cell to programmably die. This suggests clary sage oil could potentially prevent and treat cancer lines.
Frankincense also known as (Boswellia sacra, B. carterii, B. frereana, and B. serrata), Myrrh, and Lemongrass have been used for treating the results or symptoms associated with cancer. There was initial research that suggested that they may have reduced ovarian tumors, but from our fact checking, that research is not fully substantiated. What it has been proven to do is Frankincense and Myrrh are also known for reducing head swelling that occurs many times in patients in radiation treatment, or when tumors have been removed surgically. It has also been proven to help with reducing scar tissue on the inside of the body where surgical procedures have taken place. There are many reports that this oil also can help with mood levels and pain as a result of radiation and/or chemotherapy. Frankincense specifically has had great positive impacts on the immune system as with any cancer treatment has usually been compromised as such. Lemongrass can also help protect the immune system once Frankincense begins to help build it back up.
Lavender has been known for calming and relaxing the neuro pathways in the brain that can help you sleep, feel less anxious, and help protect the brain from some of the chemicals used during cancer treatment.
Peppermint and Spearmint are very widely used to help treat nausea and depression that is often a result of cancer treatments.
Thyme has shown positive results in the fight against prostrate, lung carcinoma, and breast cancers. It helps to balance your hormones which are usually negatively impacted by any cancer treatment.
Rosemary and Oregano are widely used and known for their ability to fight infections and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits to patients.
Cannabinoid (CBD) has also been known to treat cancer. The American Cancer Society reported the following: “More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer.
There have been some early clinical trials of cannabinoids in treating cancer in humans and more studies are planned. While the studies so far have shown that cannabinoids can be safe in treating cancer, they do not show that they help control or cure the disease.”
I start off with the facts like this, so that my story may have some credibility for those that may be reading this and are looking for the science. I am not a Doctor, a Professor, or scientist. I am just a person that looks for what is going on with my body, and what is out there available to help it naturally. As from my previous blogs, you may have read that I have reactions to most functional medicine out there given to me. This means prescription, or synthetic type medicine that I have been prescribed or given from a professional. I highly regard professionals, so do not get me wrong there, but I am always happy to try something I can walk outside and find to try that may work instead.
My best friend in the world has battled cancer for most of her life. She has been through surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. There were years of battling and remission throughout the process. As I started sharing with her about what I was learning using essential oils and how they are used to fight cancer, she decided it was time to try something new. She had the sickness, hair loss, pain, nausea, swelling, and what I call brain fog, as well as symptoms that neither of us remember! I decided to try and create a regimen to help her in her fight of this disease as well as help heal her body from the trauma of all her treatments. I made a blend for her to take internally of the above-mentioned oils and included what is known as the Super Bs. These are basically a combination of B vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, niacinamide, vitamin B 6, 12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. The Super Bs are also great for the immune system, and hers was in pretty bad shape. I also made a topical blend of a slightly different ratio of the oils mentioned combined with carrier oils for her to rub on her feet. Since the feet have such a numerous amount of nerve endings, the essential oils are absorbed much more quickly and can get passed along to the brain and central nervous system in the most efficient way possible. I do not want my story to tell her story, but she noticed favorable results within two days. Her nausea was gone, head was normal, and her overall feeling improved. I will have another post with her story about what she went through and her opinion on the results, but I will share that today, she is cancer free and is healthier than she probably has been in her life. We both feel that God had the most to do with it, as he allowed the science to work. I am not saying that my blend cured her by any means, but we both feel that it is a blend that could help cancer patients live life naturally better!